Tuesday, December 22, 2009

P90X: Day 17

Just finished Shoulders and Arms, feeling great. I used a little more weight on some of the exercises, and did more reps on just about all of them. I feel like, in a way, this is the easiest routine. I feel that way mostly before, and after I do it... but not really so much during. My shoulders and arms burn and I struggle to squeeze out more reps, but again I'm more familiar with the exercises. I also love working shoulders, because it just gives me a more muscular looking frame. Also, shoulders are usually pretty neglected and some of the lateral raise type exercises are extremely hard... mostly because you just don't lift things that way in every day life.

Anyhow, I'm going to try to actually get to sleep somewhat early tonight and shift my schedule a little more towards the daylight hours. I'm too lazy to write more, again... but you can't call me lazy in general! I just finished working out!!!


  1. ha..I love that! I've been getting my workouts done too late too. Last night I dozed out between 8:45-9:40 and then woke myself up to do cardio X. I've got to get the working out done earlier!!!
    I LOVE Shoulders & Arms workout! I love how this program has changed my shoulders...they happen to be one of my favorite parts that have changed.
    Great job. Upping weights & Reps...that's awesome! The program is working, and you are working it hard!

  2. Sorry I didn't reply to your comment last night, I was a bit tired... but I read it anyhow. I don't know exactly what it is I did to my knee, but perhaps it would be better to ask what DIDN'T I do to it? I used to just find the highest tree or rock I could find and jump off it. I was a wild kid. The military didn't help with it though... lots of heavy equipment.

    I have yet to do Cardio X, but I'm looking forward to trying it soon. The book makes it out to be kind of "easy." Is this true?

    I'm glad you like your results with your shoulders, I hope I see some soon too!
