Monday, December 21, 2009

P90X: Day 16

Well, it's pretty late here and I just finished Plyometrics. My workouts have been going later and later into the night. I'm becoming more nocturnal now that I'm off school for a few weeks. I definitely need to change my sleep patterns, because I'm pretty sure working out this late is not good. I've always been a night person, but this won't fly when I'm in school again come January.

I definitely felt the drain on my energy tonight for Plyometrics, but I still did it and kept up with it. I modified a few things because of the impact though. I was doing some sort of squat recently and my knee just felt like it popped, which has happened to me in the past as well. I decided that I should be more careful with my legs and make sure I can handle whatever it is I'm doing. I'm glad I eased up on the impact a bit, but it didn't make it much easier either. The quads still burn intensely and I feel like I'm engaging my entire body when I run this routine, so I must be doing something right.

I don't think there's much more to say about Plyo right now though. It's a tough workout all around, and it is more or less in a league of its own. My HR stayed between 160-170 for most of the routine, dipping down to the 150-160 range for some of the less engaging exercises. My BPMs never dipped below the mid 150s however, so my intensity was probably where it should have been.

Too tired to write more now honestly, so my usual lengthy posting style won't be making an appearance tonight! That's P90X for you!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Justin. I've been doing my workouts late too, and you know, the past couple of times, I just didn't have it in me to do the whole thing. Also, I find that when I work out late, I don't lose weight. Weird. I think my body is still metabolizing things and not letting the fat go. But when I work out earlier in the day, the weight is off faster. Usually, I will be up a pound or two at night, but it will leave first thing. When I work out late, I can be at my am weight at night, but will not lose anything, waking up the same weight. That's not right. LOL.
    I'm hoping this week, I can get back into daytime workouts. I feel much better when it's not looming over my head. Don't get me wrong, I love the P90X....but just like it out of the way. I still do it, when it's late,...I have to...but prefer earlier.
    Hey on the knee issues. WHen I was 17, I jumped into a pool, and my leg didn't bend, it rammed into my I have had a locking thing going on since. Since I've started P90X, I've had a couple weeks where I had to sub both the plyo and the leg workout because I wrenched it on the Kenpo pidgeon out for that one. Finally, it feels better, but it's a real bitch, (pardon that expression) when you wrench it, and cannot perform to your peak potential. So if you feel it tweaking, be really careful with it.
    Proud of ya, buddy. It takes some cahonas to do the workouts at night, when you're tired.
